Mickaël LAFOND Expression, purification and characterisation of ...
(University of Aix-Marseille 3). 2000-2002. B.T.S Technical Superior Diploma in biology analysis. (University of Marseille) (First). 1999-2000. Scientific A Level .
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Optics - Photonics in Provence - Training and education ...
The Aix-Marseille universities offer courses in a number of areas of interest: Masters program . IUT in Saint Jérôme (Marseille): BTS Optician (BTSOL training) .
Department of Chemistry - Our Research
Sylvain studied chemistry from 1994-1999 at the University of Marseille I. . Yohan joins us from France where he obtained his BTS chimie LTCB. . Aix- Marseille III working for Prof Bertrand and Dr Gastaldi in the area of radical chemistry.
Elementary Faculty - Dallas International School
Certification from the French Ministry of Education to teach all subjects from . Universite Aix-Marseille Il . French "BTS" Economie Sociale et Familiale.
Lycée International Georges Duby - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Students in the main section of the Lycée are drawn from the residential areas of the . of life and of its unique position between Aix-en-Provence and Marseille. . apply for a two-year course entitled the Brevet de technicien suppérieur (BTS).
Provence University, Higher Education & MBA - AngloINFO, in ...
Ecole Centrale Marseille: Engineering courses for students after completion of the bac and the . school in Marseille offering BTS and other professional French diplomas for tourism, . University of Aix-Marseille I: Arts, Humanities, Languages .
The U-BIOPRED project aims to speed up the development of better . ENFUMOSA, BIOAIR, GA²LEN, GABRIEL, BTS Severe Asthma, MRC Southampton Severe Asthma and . Université de la Médietrranée, Aix-Marseille II, Marseille, France .
ESL Resources - New sites - June 2012 - Part 3
Mario's Cafe in Warren Street, London, do a big breakfast for 10 Pounds. Eat it all in . Ressources filmiques de l'Académie d'Aix-Marseille Les évaluations 2012 Cm2, collège et BTS sont désormais accessibles sans restriction. Annales des .
A territory of expertise - Education in the Bouches-du-Rhône ...
For the list of high schools offering B.T.S programs, please contact the local office of the Aix Marseille Académie at www.ac-aix-marseille.fr. To find out more .
French Nationality - DEFI
CEFI-CNRS, Faculty of Economics Aix-Marseille II, University of the . Course, General Economics, 1st and 2nd year Vocational Training Certificate (BTS), .
sales and a BTS in lodging and accommodation, http://www.lyc-hotelier.ac-aix- marseille.fr/. The Instituts Vatel are hotel schools that train students for careers .

Your teachers
Aix-Marseille Education Authority, Academic Delegation for International . and professional lycées (tourism, BTS level and technical and commercial French) .
EuroPhotonics - Université Paul Cezanne Aix-Marseille 3 - France ...
Location of Université Paul Cezanne Aix-Marseille 3. The Joint Doctorate Program on Photonics Engineering, Nanophotonics and Biophotonics is dedicated to .
Christian Lepain - Équipes
We have now provided computer systems for more than 7,000 customers and . Solware has built up a considerable bank of savoir-faire and expertise that can .

L'apprentissage en alternance au Centre de Formation d'Apprentis ...
Established for more than 40 years in Aix-en-Provence, Marseille and Nice, CNAM is . Préparation des diplômes de Technicien Supérieur (BTS) et d' Ingénieur .
Florian Madura
. postgraduate school of engineering in Biotechnology, Aix-Marseille University, France. . 2003 to 2005: A two-year qualification (BTS, Brevet de Technicien .
Hotel and Resorts in Pd Marketing Strategy
Jun 17, 2011 . Another option for BTS graduates is to enroll in a specialized . and MBAs in hotel management. http://www.lyc-hotelier.ac-aix-marseille.fr/ .
Non-invasive Evaluation of Airway Inflammation in Asthma What ...
from the University of Aix-Marseille. (France) . Respirologist, Department of Chest Medicine, Sacré-Coeur Hospital . (BTS) asthma guidelines or by obtaining a .
Mondes Arabe, Musulman et Sémitique
avec le soutien d'Aix-Marseille université, du CNRS et de l'Académie des . the Arabic language courses taught by the author at the University of Aix-Marseille. . de niveau Licence/Baccalauréat du premier cycle universitaire et/ou BTS-DUT .
Olivier Faugere profiles | LinkedIn
View the profiles of professionals named Olivier Faugere on LinkedIn. . Paris, Marseille Logistics Director, Paris (1993 1995) Production Planning . 1986: MBA Business Administration I.A.E of Aix-en Provence 1981: B.T.S Action .