Political positions of Hillary Rodham Clinton - Wikipedia, the free ...
Hillary Clinton supports retaining the Social Security tax cap. The tax cap makes income in excess of $102,000 .
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The Left Coaster: Obama Says Hillary Ducking.....Social Security???
Oct 29, 2007 . Hillary Rodham Clinton for "ducking the issue" of ensuring the solvency of Social Security and signaled that he will take a more aggressive .
Archived-Articles: Clinton, Obama and the Social Security Table
Feb 18, 2008 . Hillary doesn't." In their respective ads, neither Obama nor Clinton identified their "plans" to protect Social Security. Both candidates have in fact .
PolitiFact | Hillary Clinton's file
Hillary Clinton's file: Clinton. Hillary Clinton's website. Our Hillary Clinton feeds. RSS A feed of . "John McCain wants to privatize Social Security." See them all .
Obama, Edwards attack; Clinton bombs debate - Roger Simon ...
Oct 31, 2007 . Hillary Clinton at the October 2007 debate in Philadelphia . when Clinton was asked whether she had made one statement on Social Security .
Hillary Clinton on Social Security - On the Issues
Feb 8, 2010 . No lifting cap on payroll tax; that taxes middle class. Q: Would you take a pledge of no tax increases on people under $250,000? OBAMA: I not .
Hillary Rodham Clinton | The White House
During the 1992 presidential campaign, Hillary Rodham Clinton observed, "Our . and Social Action, interned with children's advocate Marian Wright Edelman, .
Opinion & Analysis on the Latest Breaking News | Fox News
Fox News opinion and commentary on politics, the economy, social issues and . Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama need to understand one thing: there are .
Hillary Clinton on Social Security - On the Issues
Hillary Clinton on Social Security. Social Security protects families, not just retirees. Like many Americans, I got my Social Security card when I was a teenager .
FactCheck.org: Clinton vs. Obama
Nov 16, 2007 . In the latest debate among the Democrats, Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama sparred over their plans for health care and Social Security.
Hillary Clinton on Social Security & Medicare - YouTube
Nov 10, 2007 . Senator Hillary Clinton answers questions on Social Security from Opinion Page Editor Guy MacMillin during The Keene Sentinel Editorial .
Newsbusters | Chris Matthews 2007 | A Bad Ponzi Scheme | Mediaite
Sep 13, 2011 . If you think about it, what does [Hillary Clinton] gain if she says, Let's raise taxes for Social Security, let's raise the retirement age, let's raise .
FactCheck.org : Clinton-Obama Slugfest
Jan 22, 2008 . They were ideas like privatizing Social Security, like moving back from a . Obama is correct: Both Bill and Hillary Clinton have lauded .
Hillary Sidesteps Social Security Questions to 'Not Spook ...
Oct 11, 2007 . Hillary Sidesteps Social Security Questions to 'Not Spook' Americans . frontrunner Rudy Giuliani: Hillary Clinton
wants to put a lid on us.

Hillary Rodham Clinton on the Issues | Campaign 2008 ...
Hillary Rodham Clinton Return to Candidate Profile Page » . Social Security is a solemn promise to our seniors, and I am committed to keeping that promise.
Bill Clinton on the Issues
(Nov 2003); Loves Hillary but has caused pain in their marriage. (Nov 2003) . Bill Clinton on Social Security. Click here for 3 .
Letter - Electronic Privacy Information Center
April 26, 1993 Mrs Hillary Rodham Clinton, Chairperson Health Care Reform . we are specifically concerned about is the possible use of the Social Security .
Free Frank Warner: Hillary Clinton proposes new 401(k) retirement ...
Oct 10, 2007 . Instead of proposing that we finally put back the tax money that is supposed to be in the Social Security Trust Fund, Sen. Hillary Clinton is .
Hillary Clinton on the Issues
(May 2005); Sponsored bill funding social services for noncitizens. (May 2006) . Hillary Clinton on Principles & Values .
Quote Wars: Milton Friedman vs. Hillary Clinton | Conservative News ...
Apr 13, 2007 . First Lady Hillary Clinton in a disagreement with a Republican congressman. "I have long been a critic of Social Security, basically because I .
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Clinton's Truth on Social Security
Oct 23, 2007 . This isn't a story about how Hillary Rodham Clinton gave birth to an . that might have greeted Clinton's conclusion that Social Security is not in .