comparing means\unequal(small) size group
The first group sample size is 4 and another one is 24. Can I use t-test? Is there any other test? shall I use a nonparametric test? Regards,
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Group size measures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Animal group size data tend to exhibit aggregated (right-skewed) distributions, i.e. most groups are small, a few are large, and a very few are very large.
Is Your Team Too Big? Too Small? What's the Right Number ...
Jun 14, 2006 . What's the Right Number? by Knowledge@Wharton, the online business . size can change work-group processes and resulting performance.
Sample Size
Jul 9, 2012 . We want our margin of error to be as small as our budget and tolerance for risk allow. . Can your budget accommodate the required sample size by group to . If you get it from the appropriate source with the right screening .
Design of Small Groups
This page explores the amazing application of probability to small groups. . This is the only way a single individual with the correct solution can convince the group. . Groups should be expanded beyond this size only when there is good .
North Pacific Right Whale Fact sheet
of 4-6 animals, although a group of at least 17 was observed in the Bering Sea in . Because of the critically small size of the eastern North Pacific right whale .
Discussion - Small Groups
Aug 19, 2008 . What is the ideal size for a small group? Reid Smith . Hi Pattie, It's hard to identify "rights" when it comes to small-groups ministry. The best .
Effects of Group Size on Problem Solving
Apr 23, 2006 . New Study Suggests Small Groups Solve Problems Better . is a surprisingly small amount of research on the effect of group size on problem solving. . to generate and adopt correct responses, reject erroneous responses, .
What is the Best Size for Your Board?
What are the advantages and limitations of large versus small boards? ? What size will . So then, what is the right size for your foundation board? When setting .
Small Group Size - Icebreaker games collection
Free instructions to many useful icebreakers, group games, and team building activities! good icebreakers. Small Group Size. Icebreakers for Small Groups (2 to 5 people). A: Active ice breakers . Ws - All rights reserved. Find this site useful?
Small Group Dynamics Facilitations - answers to 20 questions
Questions about small group dynamics presented here have accumulated over years from participants and facilitator . What is the best size for a small group?

What is the optimal group size for decision-making? | Sheila Margolis
Jan 24, 2011 . So what is the optimal size for effective decision-making? . ties and improves the odds of making a correct decision when using majority rules. . questions: Question #1 This group was too small for best results on the task it .
Chapter Two - Groups versus Individuals - Which are Better
How group size affects process and output variables. 6. . Fortunately, the scientists who investigate small groups have fine-tuned this important question in order to make it less vague. . They do not know the right answer on their own.
Small to Full Size Car Rental - Rent the car of your choice at
Rent a compact, intermediate, or full size sedan at . Whether you are traveling for business or leisure, renting the right size car is . Car Group XG .

Context-dependent group size choice in fish
Group sizes were significantly smaller in the food . Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. . function of group size, so that individual group choice .
Large body and small brain and group sizes are associated with ...
Large body and small brain and group sizes are associated with predator preferences for mammalian prey. Susanne Shultza,b and; Laura . All rights reserved.
Barking Up the Right Tree: Are Small Groups Rational Agents?
Barking Up the Right Tree: Are Small Groups Rational Agents? James C. Cox and Stephen C. Hayne*. Abstract. Both mainstream economics and its critics have .
Group size
Size does matter at least as far as groups are concerned. In very small groups, the addition or loss of one member can of course make a radical difference to .
Kruskal Wallis Test - Minimum Group Size?
Does SPSS 20 allow for such small minimum group sizes for this? . I be right in thinking though that such small, unequal group sizes within .
Selecting the Right Team Size: Small is Beautiful | Cutter Consortium
Dec 22, 1998 . Selecting the right team size -- small -- is the key to a successful project. By successful, I . The idea of small work groups is hallowed by time.