India recorded 3.8 Percent Unemployment Rate in the Year 2010-11
Jul 18, 2012 . The unemployment rate was found maximum in states such as Goa (16 percent), Kerala (9 percent) and West Bengal (7 percent), while Gujarat .
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Gujarat State has lowest unemployment rate « news4gujarat
Jul 12, 2012 . Gujarat has the least unemployment rate amongst all the states in . Most umemployment was reported in Goa, Kerala, Bihar and West Bengal.
Average Q4 realisations higher than expected: Sesa Goa Video ...
Sep 7, 2012 . Commenting on the results, PK Mukherjee, MD, Sesa Goa told . US unemployment rate falls to 8.1 per cent · Rupee rises to 2-week high .
Goa tops unemployment list in India - Indian Express
Nov 12, 2010 . Goa tops unemployment list in India - The first-ever annual . sector which, in turn , could have depressed the overall employment rate. But this .
India Unemployment Rate
Jun 22, 2012 . India Unemployment Rate historical data, charts, stats and more. . Unemployment lowest in Gujarat, highest in Goa Times of India Jul 11 .
Gujarat on top with 1% unemployment: Report
Jul 11, 2012 . Unemployment rate in NDA-ruled Punjab stood at 1.8 per cent, the fifth . highest unemployment rate is estimated in Goa (179 persons out of .
Women in Post 1961 Goa: Problems and Challenges
Goa also has a high unemployment rate. A recent report in the national daily The Hindu claims that if the present situation continues Goa will have a 55% .
No credible data on employment in Goa | iGoa
Aug 5, 2012 . In Goa, the female unemployment rate in rural areas is estimated at 549 persons out of 1000 persons, while the urban female unemployment .
HIGHLIGHTS OF ECONOMIC SURVEY 2011-12 Following are the ...
allied sectors are estimated to achieve a growth rate of 2.5% in 2011-12 with foodgrains production likely to cross . there were no signs of major long-tem damage or rise in unemployment. . Among the other States, Goa with 20.1 per cent .
Unemployment lowest in Gujarat, highest in Goa - Times Of India
Jul 11, 2012 . NEW DELHI: India's official unemployment rate was 3.8% for the last year and higher for urban than rural areas according to statistics released .
Report: Kerala high on unemployment at 9.9% | The Asian Age
Jul 12, 2012 . Female unemployment rate was highest in Goa at 462, followed by 344 in Tripura , 262 in Kerala and 212 in West Bengal. The highest female .

Saturday - Facebook
The unemployment rate was found maximum in states such as Goa (16 percent), Kerala (9 percent) and West Bengal (7 percent), while Gujarat (1 Percent) had .
Labourpains andgains
employment rate, which is more than 10%. These states require . Goa scored highest in terms of percentage of workforce employed in industry, due to its high .
Goa's Women Professionals Want More, And They Want It Now | iGoa
May 13, 2011 . However, a study by the Labour Bureau of the Ministry of Labour and Employment also reveals that Goa has the highest unemployment rate in .

India's key iron ore producer Goa suspends mining temporarily ...
4 days ago . India's key iron ore producer Goa suspends mining temporarily. . CNBC's Rick Santelli predicts a 7.9% U.S. unemployment rate by "the Friday .
Government of Goa, Directorate of Education, Panaji - GOA, INDIA.
Goa enjoys a place of pride in the country as one of the most literate states of India. . education at the secondary and higher secondary levels have also been met . unemployment, improving quality of education, infrastructure development in .
NCAER on Mining in Goa
rate segregation of non-Goan iron ore into its three uses . In the case of iron ore , since Goa ore is . Employment and Unemployment Situation in. India .
Emerging Kerala investment meet to see 51 nations taking part ...
Aug 31, 2012 . Goa newspaper's editor, wife arrested for cheating investors · Unemployment rates to worsen with spread of Euro crisis · World News (4 days .
Goa mining sector: Latest News & Videos, Photos about Goa mining ...
Unemployment lowest in Gujarat, highest in Goa TOI 11 Jul 2012, 12:35 IST ... classes had a lower unemployment rate than the general category. The primary .