2008-03-Environmental Triggers | National Headache Foundation
Mar 12, 2008 . Most headache sufferers have learned from experience how certain environmental factors play a role in triggering their own headaches.
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Causes and Treatments of Migraine and Related Headaches
Not every headache sufferer is sensitive to these triggers, but virtually all persons with migraine headaches (called migraineurs) have some environmental .
Care for Your Air - US Environmental Protection Agency
. area navigation. US Environmental Protection Agency logo . the body. Carbon monoxide causes headaches, dizziness, weakness, nausea, and even death.
Migraine headaches; Environment, Chemicals & Lifestyle
In addition. to ingested substances triggering headaches, there are a variety of airborne or environmental causes of headache. Numerous chemicals in home, .
Can Office Air Conditioning Cause Headaches?: Prevent and Treat ...
Oct 12, 2009 . Prevent and Treat Sinus and Migraine Headaches Caused by . sinus headaches and dehydration in an office environment with dry cold air.
Environmental Illness
Symptoms depend on the environmental cause of the illness or disease. Common symptoms include headaches, cough, fatigue, and nausea. In some cases .
Headache, Migraine, Tension Headaches, Cluster Headaches - US ...
Causes. Headache pain results when nerves of the blood vessels . headaches are usually triggered by some type of environmental or .
How to Find the Cause of A Headache
Causes and treatments for headaches by John R. Lee, M.D.. . A 55-year-old man was referred to me for a condition thought due to environmental causes.
Headache and Migraine Trigger: Weather
The theory goes that headache pain would cause someone to seek a safer, more hospitable environment. The fact that changes in weather and extremes in heat .
Sinus Headaches Causes and Treatments - HealthHints.org
Discover the causes and treatments of sinus headaches. Learn how to prevent . Environmental issues are sometimes a cause of sinus irritation. Factors such as .
Hot air linked to headaches, but how? - CNN.com
Mar 10, 2009 . The next step in headache research is to figure out if there are medications that could block the triggering effect of environmental factors on .

Environmental & Physical Factors | National Headache Foundation
Oct 25, 2007 . The environmental factors that can provoke a migraine are extremely variable and affect only a small proportion of migraine sufferers.
Environmental causes that could make your sinusitis worse
Causes that could influence sinus problems. . home that is both warm and damp provides a conducive environment in which bacteria can grow and multiply.
Causes Of Bad Headaches | LIVESTRONG.COM
Oct 28, 2010 . One reason your headache could be severe is due to the fact that it's a migraine headache triggered by certain environmental factors.

Causes And Remedy Of Frequent Headaches
Headaches are a common cause of suffering, but all headaches are not created equal . emotional triggers, stress, environmental, chemical, food and beverage.
What Are the Most Common Causes of Chest Pain and Headache?
Aug 7, 2012 . Symptoms related to chest pain and headache are caused by illnesses, disorders , and environmental factors. Some causes are unknown, such .
The Truth About Headache and Dizziness
Headache and dizziness can be caused by many factors such as food, physical activities, and environmental changes etc. Headaches and dizziness can be .
Migraine Tension Headache - Natural Therapies
From the holistic point of view, the causes for the headaches are similar and we . is useful to get clues what food and environmental factors bother you the most.
Overview of Headaches in Adults
Headaches also can be triggered by specific environmental factors that are shared in a family's household, such as exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke , .