Upgrading Debian Lenny to Debian Squeeze | Virtualmin
May 24, 2011 . Upgrading Debian Lenny to Debian Squeeze . This document will help guide you through upgrading a Debian 5.0 . apt-get dist-upgrade .
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Upgrade from lenny to squeeze | Debian Tutorials
If you're running previous version of Debian, you can easily upgrade. 1. . Upgrade from lenny to squeeze . Do a dist-upgrade to upgrade the rest of the system .
Upgrade Debian Lenny To Squeeze In A Few Simple Steps | HowtoForge ...
Upgrade Debian Lenny To Squeeze In A Few Simple Steps. . After the first completed the full distribution upgrade is performed. Start with the .
Upgrading Debian based - RimuHosting
Debian: dist-upgraded Debian. Note that this should only be done over single releases (ie don't go from Sarge straight to Lenny). On Debian? What does cat .
dist upgrade - debian 3.1 can be upgraded to lenny? - Server Fault
Sep 23, 2009 . If the machine is available on the Internet, you should strongly consider to upgrading to at least etch, and preferably lenny. If it isn't obvious .
Debian Dist-upgrade questions
I'm about to do an upgrade, migrating from Lenny to Squeezy in my desktop boxes, both at work and home. . Debian Dist-upgrade questions .
iWeb Blog » Upgrading Debian from lenny to squeeze
Feb 6, 2012 . We are working on implementing this distribution (as well as updating . Luckily Debian can be upgraded successfully manually from lenny to .
How To Upgrade Debian Lenny (Debian 5.0) To Squeeze (Debian ...
How To Upgrade Debian Lenny (Debian 5.0) To Squeeze (Debian 6.0) . If you do it the usual Debian way just with apt-get dist-upgrade you .
How to upgrade Debian Lenny to Squeeze (5.0 to 6.0)
Jan 21, 2011 . I've used the method below to upgrade my Debian Lenny to Squeeze . update sudo apt-get install apt dpkg apt-get sudo apt-get dist-upgrade .
How to Upgrade to Debian 6 (Squeeze) Linode Library
Feb 5, 2011 . How to upgrade from Debian 5 (Lenny) to Debian 6 (Squeeze). . Preparing to Upgrade; Upgrading; System Errors . apt-get dist-upgrade .
Working Repository for Debian 5 Lenny? - LowEndTalk
archive.debian.org. But Lenny is end of life. You should consider dist-upgrading to squeeze. seikan April 17. Member. @rds100 said: But Lenny is end of life.

[linux] Upgrading Debian Lenny to Testing halts on udev package at ...
Mar 26, 2010 . I already had Debian Lenny (stable) image, so the whole process seemed relatively easy dist-upgrade Lenny, switch to testing apt sources, .
mysql-server while upgrading Debian 5.0 (lenny) to 6.0 (squeeze ...
Feb 21, 2012 . mysql-server while upgrading Debian 5.0 (lenny) to 6.0 (squeeze) . start # and finally according to the release notes apt-get dist-upgrade .
How to Upgrade Debian Lenny (5.0) to Squeeze (6.0) [Wiki]
How to Upgrade Debian Lenny (5.0) to Squeeze (6.0) . Before we can finish with the dist-upgrade, we need to update core system utilities that will be used .

Upgrading Debian lenny to squeeze - Ralf Bensmann
Upgrading Debian lenny to squeeze · Edit · Delete · Tags · Autopost. Bring lenny up-to-date . Change apt sources to point to new release; Run dist-upgrade .
Blog Archive » Upgrading from Debian Lenny to Squeeze (version 6)
Jun 6, 2011 . You want to update to Debian Squeeze from Lenny. . configured APT to install certain packages from a distribution other than stable (e.g. from .
HowTo upgrade from Debian Etch to Lenny | MDLog:/sysadmin
Dec 8, 2008 . Debian Lenny's release is getting closer and closer and many . (dist-upgrade was renamed to full-upgrade in lenny's aptitude); or you can use: .
Xen dom0 from Debian Lenny to Squeeze
Xen dom0 from Lenny to Squeeze (as performed on March 8, 2011). Notes beforehand . apt-get -d dist-upgrade (downloads packages for dist-upgrade.
Chapter 4. Upgrades from previous releases - Debian
These two features are heavily involved during the dist-upgrade to lenny, so it is necessary to upgrade these two packages before upgrading anything else.